what to expect

Before you visit Cobb Vineyard, you might be wondering, "What can I expect while I am there?"
First of all, relax! We think you'll have a great time. Our 10:30 am service includes great worship music and teaching from God's word. Childcare is also available. Here's a description of a typical Sunday service:
A few minutes before the service our worship team will play a song to signal the beginning of the service around 10:25 am. This is a great time to move into the auditorium and prepare your heart to receive all God has in store today.
We begin our time together (including children 3 years +) each week participating in musical expression of worship to God. After a couple of songs, the children will be directed to join their leaders and other kids their age for CVC Kid’s children’s ministry time. Everyone else will be invited to greet those sitting near them. After our worship time, we will receive Communion. Since Communion is a time to receive God’s grace and mercy, our Communion time is open to everyone who needs God’s merciful touch.
There will be a brief presentation of announcements about what is going on at Cobb Vineyard.
After announcements, there will be an opportunity to continue our worship through giving.
Our Pastor, Thomas Cooley, will present a message from our current series. Scriptures and main points can be viewed on the screen. There is a place on the back of the bulletin for you to take notes if you wish.
Your entire time with us will be about 80 minutes.
Cobb Vineyard has people of all ages and backgrounds who are passionate about knowing God and each other. You will find us worshiping with all our hearts and serving the community. You can get to know more about us throughout the site, but to really know what we are about, you'll have to meet our people.
The best way to know us more is to join us on a Sunday.
Our Children's ministry at Cobb Vineyard provides a safe, loving environment for your children to grow. We have classes on Sundays from the time they can crawl up through 5th grade. You can find more details on our different children's ministry classes by clicking HERE.
We invite all students in 6th through 12th grade to join us in the main auditorium for our worship service. We have a weekly service for youth on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. Check out THE VINE for more details.
Coffee & tea are provided in our Cafe area which is open on Sundays from 9:30 - 10:45 am.