Starting on Monday, January 6th through Friday, January 10th we will have a week-long time of prayer and fasting from
7:00 - 8:00 AM and 7:00 - 8:00 PM at Cobb Vineyard Church.
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” Isaiah 58:6
So why would reasonably normal, seemingly sane people voluntarily choose to go without something they enjoy (and which is necessary for long-term health) for a period of time? Why would they go to bed hungry when it would be very easy to satisfy their hunger? What could be so important that individuals would choose it over their own comfort? Fasting is an act of humbling yourself before God by choosing for a period of time to go without one thing to focus your attention on God, His plan, and His heart to set people free. It is not going without food – that is dieting!
Fasting is going without for a spiritual purpose. It releases God’s power, His favor, and His blessings into the life of an individual, into the life of the church, and into the community. Regularly, throughout both the Old and New Testament, the people of God, both individually and corporately, would set aside times for fasting and prayer when confronted with attack, when in need of provision, when preparing for the future, etc.
Cobb Vineyard is poised to see God move in unprecedented ways in 2025.
Up to this point, we have seen God do remarkable things in remarkable ways. BUT OUR BEST DAYS ARE STILL AHEAD! We recognize that nothing is possible apart from God, but with HIM, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. We need God more than ever individually and corporately to reign down on us in ways we never even dreamed possible.
We have set aside January 6-10 as a time when we will individually and corporately focus on God and His plans for the coming year. Our hope and prayer is that every person that is part of Cobb Vineyard will participate in some way. We have listed some of the possible ways of participation here. Please ask God how He would have you be a part of this incredible season at Cobb Vineyard Church.
Fasting for Renewed Life!
Here are some types of fasts with examples to help you discern what God would have you do for your fast.
1) A full fast - No solid foods only water and maybe juices. This is the fast that Jesus did when he went into the
wilderness. He ate no food and appears to have had only water. The reason scholars conclude that he drank water while
on this fast was because the Scripture says he was hungry but did not say he was thirsty. The devil tempted Jesus with
bread, but not with water. So we assume this was a water-only fast.
2) A partial fast-eating just certain foods or abstaining from certain foods. A “Daniel fast” can be modeled from
Daniel 10:2, 3, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came
into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, until three whole weeks were fulfilled.” A Partial fast could include not
eating meats, sweets, bread, or drinks other than water. Please be mindful of your health during fasting.
3) An activity fast - Many people choose to fast from certain activities in order to focus on God. This could include
hobbies, television, Internet use, movies, music other than worship music, shopping, texting, tweeting, Facebook or any
number of things. The goal here is to take the time that you would normally spend on other activities and set it aside to
seek God and His presence.
4) Fasting part of each day - skipping certain meals or activities for a period of the day. In the early church, these
fasts were usually times set aside in concert with prayer. It could be from sunset to sunrise, skipping one of your daily
meals, or not using any electronic devices for a certain period each day.